Boutique Intuitive art


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My boutique is currently getting an update regarding layout and text. In future my boutique will be in three languages: German, English and French. In case of any questions, don't hesitate to contact me:


Welcome to my "Intuitive Art Boutique"!
one of my visions. realized. during Covid.

All my art design works are produced in Germany in museum & gallery quality.
Shipment is to Europe. For worldwide shipment, please, contact me.

Hello welcome to my Intuitive Art Design Boutique. I'm Heike Kolles.

I'm a Visionary & ArtDesigner. After an international career in the corporate and management consulting world I created the VISIONSMANUFAKTUR in 2012.

My mission has been since then to support people to find their soul purpose and to make their biggest dreams in their most authentic and best version happen.

During the "journey to themselves" they re-connect to their soul essence to know how they can contribute in their best and unique way to this world.

From there I help my clients to crack their visionary and creative potential to dare to think big and to know what their real big dreams are to manifest them in a way that they live their life full of abundance, joy and freedom.

It's based on a growth mindset, intuition & creativity. The same ingredients I use to create my art design.

What has my vision creation work to do with my art?

My art design and my boutique are visions I had since I've been a teenager. I never dared. But during Covid I did. And here we are! And may my story and my art inspire and empower you to for you biggest dreams!

Welcome to the #everythingispossible zone!

I've always been a dreamer, and a dream realizer.

Since my childhood I had many dreams. My mother said often "Heike, incredible, you always get what you want." Yes, I'm also a dream realizer. I've already realized many of them. As a teenager I wrote often the question "Why I am here? What is my purpose in life? How can I contribute?"

With my mother I went to a church where you could write down what you want to pray for. And I wrote in this book that I pray for support that I will find what my soul is calling for. I got sometimes a bit lost on my way. I went through ups and downs, also through an identity crisis and changed completely my life.

When I started to follow my intuition, my soul calling was clear.

What I never did is giving up my dreams, especially the big ones. And the more I've followed my intuition, the more I trusted that there's more than I can see and that I'm guided, the more I knew why I'm here.

During Covid I started to paint. An internationally known Austrian artist saw my portrait video on Youtube and invited me for a coffee. It changed my life. I've always dreamed of painting on a big canvas. But I didn't dare. I thought I'm not good enough. I need to take a course.

During Covid I started to paint intuitively on big canvas in nature.

In 2020 I started to paint in plain nature on the ground in Styria in Austria. I was there in a small and simple cottage alone. Only some horses were with me. I connected with Mother Earth, the universe and myself before and during I painted.

I used also tools which I know from my work as VisionCoach like trance, meditation, rituals, sounds, music and intuitive dancing. Immersed in all of this I painted.

I let my brush strokes flow with the rhythm of the energies of the HERE & NOW. And I was moving on my canvas with my brushes. It was not just painting, it was a transformational process. In this way is my art an expression of my soul and feelings in a colorful and abstract way.

I paint where I am, at the Eiffel Tower, the sea, in the living room.

Since then I've also painted in front of the Eiffel Tower in Paris, at the seaside in Nice, on my terrace in Vienna and in my living room. I go into the energy of the space and let it become part of my art. And I use everything as a "brush" what comes along my way, like leaves and stones.

I had a vision: going big and connecting art, design & photography.

I created a vision when I painted in nature. I wanted to combine my passion for photography with my passion for art and design. I wanted to go big with my art in size behind high quality plexiglass to emphasize the brilliance of the colors and to offer it to my clients according to their needs regarding the size.

Many people told me that is not possible. I felt deeply inside that it is possible. My specialty is to create joyful colorful artworks with a high level of energy.

Getting them printed behind plexi glass makes the colors even more brillant. And it worked out. My life brought the right people in my life who helped me to get it done.

And today it's reality and produced in museum and gallery quality.

The result is here: my online Boutique. Here you can buy my artworks from 10X15 cm up to 60X80 cm.

My art design products are produced in museum and gallery quality in Germany behind acrylic glass, on metal and fine-art paper. Depending on the product you can choose between a design Pop Art Frame, a shadow box or slim line frame.

Shipment is done worldwide. The shop covers the US and Europe. For other countries, please, contact me, via E-Mail: mailto: office@visionsmanufakt...

For large or monumental art design works I offer a one to one Wall Design Service. I consult you 1:1 in person or via Zoom. In case of interest contact me via Email mailto: heike.kolles@visionsma...

And if you are an interior designer, real estate developer or architect and you want to cooperate with me, contact me mailto: heike.kolles@visionsma...and I'm delighted to present you my art design product range.

I travel with my art and expose it with other artists at iconic places.

Before I founded the Visionsmanufaktur I travelled a lot during my management career. Traveling and experiencing other cultures had also been a dream since my childhood.

For nearly thirty years I've lived now in different countries. And shortly after I started to paint I got the opportunity with EXPOMETRO to show my art with other international artists at iconic places on the world's largest billboards around the world.

I've shown my art in the subway station in Barcelona, at New York Times Square, at Miami Beach Ocean Drive, in Amsterdam Central Station. The next exposition is in Milan near Duomo in October 2024. If you want to come and experience this great art movement, send me an E-Mail: mailto: heike.kolles@visionsma...

My art design is part of my Visionsmanufaktur.

I'm very happy that you are now here. Many thanks for your interest! Enjoy my art. It's full of my energy and what the moment in which I was wanted to bring on the canvas.

My artdesign has the same mission like my work as VisionCoach. Therefore my art design is part of my company Visionsmanufaktur. It's a vision of me since I've been a teenager and now manifested.

My art design empowers you to go for your biggest dreams!

My art is here to inspire and support you to re-connect with your soul purpose, to dare to think big and to create and manifest your wildest dreams, for your private and professional life as well as your business.

Every art edition has a special message to empower you, for example my PARADISE BIRDS invite you to be brave to spread your wings towards your biggest dreams in an authentic way.

My Jungle of Life edition gives you with each artwork a support into your hands which helps you to walk across "your jungle" in a empowered and personal enriching way.

All my paintings are here to uplift your frequencies, to share joy and help you to manifest your dreams! I want to CREATE: JOY, ABUNDANCE, FREDOM and AUTHENTICITY and share it with the world.

Become part of my vision and transform your home, your business rooms into a place of inspiration, well-being and transformation and into a #everythingispossible zone!

Have a great time discovering my art design works!
In case you find an artwork which is calling you, I'm here for you in case of any questions: mailto: heike.kolles@visionsma...

Produkte | Products
Acrylglasblöcke | Acrylglaswandbilder | Kunstdrucke

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