Boutique Intuitive art


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About me


I strongly believe, that everything we do whole-heartedly wish for is possible. As soon as we start our journey to our true selves and no longer stand in our own way.

This happens when we begin to tidy up within ourselves and leave everything behind that doesn’t serve us anymore like fears, self-doubts, behavioral patterns and limiting beliefs.

Then, when we allow ourselves to listen again to our real inner needs, to what we deeply long for, what is really important for us and what makes us unique.

When we let ourselves take off our masks and be ourselves as we really are, having the the confidence that everything is good as it is right now and that everything that belongs to us will find us.

And if we allow ourselves to go into abundance and to think big, we will experience: EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE. And even more than we ever dared to think.

I made this experience. Again and again, especially with my intuitive art and the vision that emerged from it.

What do I want to achieve with my art?

With my intuitive art I want to:

I am an autodidact and have never participated in a painting course. My art is an expression of my soul, my intuition and my subconscious.

Some told me that for them my art has been also a canal or an anchor. They received messages from the pictures. Or they manifested their vision, a longing or a resource that they need for their further path.

How did I get into painting?

I learned that a coffee in a coffee house can completely change my life. On July 1, 2020, an artist said to me that I absolutely had to live out more my inner artist.

I had the feeling that the universe had sent me again another messenger to make me finally understood that I have to realize now my longterm dream to paint with acrylic paint on large canvas

I followed this wake-up call.

How is my painting process?

During Corona I spent almost two months with interruptions in a lonely wooden hut in Styria and started painting outside in nature. Then I continued painting in the Vienna apartment and on the terrace outside, also during night when it was dark.

I don't have a studio. I build everything up where I want to paint. I call it: Mobile studio.

In my painting process I also include methods from my inner transformative work, including meditations, HypnoTrance, Sound & Voice Healing, especially before I start.

Most of the time I paint directly on the floor, sitting, dancing. I listen to music very often. And "little Heike" is always there.

For the first birthday of my inner artist, I made a video in which you can get an insight into my artistic process. Just click on the photo below to see it:

What was my job until June 30, 2020?

For almost ten years the plane was my mode of transport, just like other people take the bus in the morning. I've worked a lot for many years and I've forgotten something: Myself and my soul.

So it happened that one day I no longer knew, either privately or professionally, what I actually want. I only knew one thing: I didn't want to go on like this. So I went on a journey to myself.

On this journey I discovered the transformative power of personal life coaching. If I had known the effective methods that I learned in my three-year coaching training earlier, my life would have been a lot different and, above all, easier.

I was enthusiastic. It was clear to me: From now on I wanted to support people as a VisionCoach in their search for themselves, their true potential and the visions of their hearts. It's always about the questions: Who am I? Where do I want to go? And how do I get there?

I left my executive manager position in an American management consultancy behind and founded my own company Visionsmanufaktur ( in 2012. Since then I have accompanied people from different professions and ages on their way to their heart's visions. What all clients have in common is a strong desire to be more themselves and to follow their heart and soul.

What is my vision for my company Visionsmanufaktur?

For a long time I have had the wish to bring my vision coaching work onto a holistic level beyond classic personal coaching by integrating body, spirit and soul work into the transformation process.

During the Corona period, I got different certifications in:

In addition, I felt the transformative power of art while looking at paintings and painting intuitively. I am convinced that interdisciplinary approaches are the future.

All these powerful tools will give me the opportunity in future to support you in an even more holistic way on your way to your inner true self, your potential and to your dreams.

Now I focus on my vision of bringing "joie de vivre" into the world with my art. We need a lot of that now. And when the time is calling and I will get the impulse, I will create the new interdisciplinary formats for my vision work. I already have some great ideas.

I am convinced that a wonderful bridge between both visions, my intuitive art and the interdisciplinary vision work, will develop and that both will complement each other very well.

What do I love? 

During my studies of international business administration at the French Grande Ecole ESCP, I lived in Paris, Oxford, Berlin, New York and Milan. It has always been a childhood dream that I fulfilled. After that, I also traveled a lot, both professionally and privately. At the moment I live in Vienna which is a wonderful city. Much of all of this flows into my works of art

One of my last very significant trips before Corona was to India. I have the feeling that this country in particular has sown many seeds for my color-explosive art.

During Corona I was allowed to learn to fully immerse myself in a place in nature with my colors. Without Corona and Lockdown, I would probably never have done that because I was always on the move.

This allowed me to learn that it is sometimes also important to shift down a few gears, to connect with nature, the universe and even more with myself, to let go of everything I thought about myself so far, so that I can discover sides of myself that I had no idea that they even exist.

And that's exactly what made it possible that my art and my online art shop could be born.